The Gambling Industry
The gambling industry was largely created by Swedish interests and has for a long time been run by Swedish entrepreneurs. Several of the gambling companies are listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. Sweden has also been a leader in the development of other types of Internet services that are used globally, for example Spotify and Skype.
The Stockholm Chamber of Commerce states that Stockholm is one of few cities in the world that attracts this type of new industry. The gambling industry should therefore be seen in a wider societal perspective in terms of the ability to attract investment to Sweden’s service sector..
“The Swedish online gambling industry and conditions for gambling operations within Sweden” is a report by Henrik Jordahl, Associate Professor of economics and Program Director at the Institute of Industrial Economics, and David Sundén PhD, which was presented in December 2016. In the report, the authors examined the Swedish online gambling industry’s economic importance for Sweden as well as its ability to operate in the country. They concluded that the future reregulation of the gambling market should take into account the industrial perspective and the gambling companies’ points of contact with other Swedish tech and Internet companies.
Read the full report here:
English version
Swedish version